For german and international donations:
Account name: initiAID e.V.
Account Number: 8806896
BLZ: 666 500 85
Bank: Sparkasse Pforzheim/Calw
IBAN: DE07666500850008806896
For South African donations:
Account name: The Compass Trust
Account number: 070236569
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Thibault Square Branch
Branch Code: 020909
Please include your address in the reference if you wish to receive a donation receipt.
If you are from the United Kingdom and would like to donate directly to one of The Compass Trust Scholarship recipients, please check out LevanaFund
As a charitable recognized association, we issue donation certificates for amounts above 200€, which can be claimed at the tax office. For donations which do not exceed this amount, the tax office only requires the presentation of the account statement. But if you like, we will also issue you a donation certificate in this case.
As a donor you decide how we are making use of your donation. You can make a donation to initiAID in general or specifically for one of our projects. We take care of your donations and make sure that you know exactly how they are used.
Funds for our projects in South Africa will be transferred to our South African partner organization The Compass Trust. In close collaboration The Compass Trust will put the donations into our projects.
Project specific donations will be put in our projects in full. Arising money transfer fees and conversion charges are financed by member subscriptions. Moreover, we don’t have administrative costs, as all our members work on a voluntary basis.
One of the most crucial characteristics of The Compass Trust is that we are completely transparent about our income and expenses. Therefore, you are more than welcome to check our financial reports. If you have any questions or comment regarding our finances, please get in touch with us.
Are there alternative ways to give?
Donate while shopping online – with boost
Support us with an App on your smartphone – with smoost
Get active and raise funds – with betterplace